Monday, April 12, 2010

Race for the Roses

Did "Race for the Roses" a half marthon here in Portland, Oregon yesterday with a buddy of mine from work. Went out with the 7 minute pace group and felt pretty good so kicked it up a little about half way through only to max out during mile 12 and slide back a little. Should have waited to mile 10 before hitting high gear! Ended up finishing in 1:31 with an average pace of 6:58. That put me in 79th out of almost 2200 runners and less than 5 minutes from top 10. Considering I'm not training for a running event I felt pretty good about the results and it was a new PR for me.

1 comment:

  1. Yo Tim, I'll be at IM Louisville as well...done it before? I have not, but have done Wisconsin & hear it's a similar course.
